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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Human Behavior and Diseases: a Network Approach
Daniela Paolotti, ISI Foundation
Monday, June 5th 2023; 09:15am – 10:15am

Abstract: In this presentation, we will review the many case studies in which networks have proven to be a crucial paradigm to study the interplay between human behavior and disease spreading.

Bio: Daniela Paolotti is a Senior Research Scientist at ISI Foundation, in Turin, Italy. She has a background in Physics (Bsc, MSc, Ph.D.). Her work has a strong interdisciplinary approach. For more than ten years, she has been working on applying tools from complex systems and networks science, applied mathematics, computer science, data science, behavioral sciences to study disease spreading from an epidemiological as well as social point of view. Since 2008, Daniela has been developing and coordinating a Europe-wide network of Web-based platforms for participatory surveillance of Influenza-like Illness.